Reno Air Racer

I was thinking about building an air racer for the Sport category for the National Championship Air Race in Reno, NV. In this category home built experimental aircraft are pushing 450pmh+

One of the fastest aircraft in this category is the Glasiar Legacy. Seen above. I think its a really nice looking airplane, but could use a few tweaks, this is where I made a few sketches.

The top image is my take on a modified Glasair Legacy. The center image is a standard Legacy I used as an underlay. The bottom image is a P-51C 10th Air Command Fighter with a cool livery I used for inspiration.

Mazda 323 GTX Stage Rally Car

Back when I lived in Portland, I raced a stage rally car. It was a 1984 Mazda 323 GTX: the 4WD turbo very rare variant of the Mazda 323. I raced the car in Washington State in 2009. Later I sold it and bought a Rabbit rally car I should probably make a separate post about.

I bought the car already preped for rally and it had been raced, but the prep was pretty quick and dirty, I re-preped the interior extensively.