Recycled Note Pad

While doing a quick project at Umea Institute of design, I came across an interesting fact: aluminum can be recycled indefinitely and 66% of current recycled aluminum dates as far back as 1886.

I thought, wouldn’t it be cool if you could have an object like a notepad for flying made of aluminum recycled from a historic plane. That’s how this idea started.

The concept for the notepad was to be fully enclosed with a lid that would flip over to the bottom and a cam lever on the right that would lock it into place. At the top is also a storage hole for an integrated pen.

Here are some renders of the concept. It is a simple faceted design, which includes a laser engrave of a historic war bird to connect the material to the history. The mechanical latch and matching pen also draw on the mechanical past history of the aluminum.

Silverware Drawer Organizer

My dad was in town a little while ago and we were trying to think of a fun project we could bang out in a day. Since we moved into our house we just had a plastic silverware organizer that didn’t fit the drawer very well. We used “project oak” from the hardware store and got it done in a day.

Started off with a CAD model in Solidworks. Might seem overkill and not worth the time, but its worth it for the drawing.
A Baseline dim’ed drawing is great, makes all the cuts super easy.
Cutting some wood
..and gluing it together
We left the bottom open so we could use this non-slip material
loaded and ready to go